Home Learning Resources
Amplify - free resource available by grade level and subject area
AP Live Review Classes - free, live review lessons delivered by AP teachers from across the country
Code Break - a global, live-interactive fun classroom that meets at 12:00 pm every Wednesday
Common Sense Media - free educational apps, games, and websites for all ages
Common Sense Media - no WiFi needed - educational apps that don't need Wi-Fi or data
English Learner Resources - list of sites for English learners
Learning-at-Home Resources for Families - a collection of resources provided by the Mississippi Department of Education
LearnZillion - free math and English/language arts instructional videos
myOn Books - books and 5 news articles a day in English and Spanish (Student username: mccomb; Student password: books)
PBS - PBS Learning Media
Scholastic Learn at Home - choose from grade levels pre-k and kindergarten, grades 1 & 2, grades 3 - 5, and grades 6 - 9
Strong Readers MS - this site includes a book finder and literacy games for K-5 students
Wide Open School - a free collection of learning experiences and activities organized by grade band and subject