Gifted Education Department
Welcome to the McComb School District's Intellectually Gifted Program. In keeping with the district's vision, We Produce Students Empowered to Change the World, our gifted program offers your child nothing less than an excellent enrichment opportunity. Our gifted practitioners do an amazing job providing your child with a wide variety of challenging and interesting lessons. They promote creative thinking and expression, encourage exploration and inquiry, allow students to experience topics in greater depth and complexity all the while interacting with their intellectual peers. The gifted teachers are committed to providing each scholar with the tools they need to be successful lifelong learners.
The mission of the McComb School District, in partnership with families and community, is to become a premier, world-class school system where student success is inevitable and each student is cultivated to become fierce competitors in a global society. I invite you to play an active roll in supporting the many activities and outings offered by the gifted classes. Your support is vital in providing excellent educational experiences for our gifted students.
Mr. Leslie Lawson
Gifted Director

Ms. Sara Doman Mrs. Faith Major Mr. Glendon Felton
Gifted Practitioner Gifted Practitioner Gifted Psychometrist