District Crest and Athletics Logo
The following information provides general guidelines for the correct usage of the established trading name of the McComb School District's crest or athletics logo treatment. The McComb School District is the trade name. A "trade name" refers to the name the organization will use in the general marketplace or public domain. McComb School District will appear in all promotional collateral and informational materials produced for public consumption or the media. Our brand is a reflection of everything we do and say, everything we print and broadcast. It speaks to our goal of helping our community associate with the McComb School District's credibility and excellence.
Our goal is not only one school district, one mission, but also one school district, one look. We encourage District employees to use the logo on all printed materials, in PowerPoint presentations, web pages, ads and other promotional materials.
Our goal is not only one school district, one mission, but also one school district, one look. We encourage District employees to use the logo on all printed materials, in PowerPoint presentations, web pages, ads and other promotional materials.
The McComb School District has a new copyrighted athletic logo. All athletic paraphernalia and publications will display our official athletic logo. Any item not displaying the official athletic logo is not sponsored by the McComb School District.Only school campuses, district departments and student organizations that are officially recognized by or are part of the district are allowed to use the district athletic logo and crest in conjunction with their name, and in doing so, must have approval prior to use.
The district crest, athletics logo and other district visual elements must remain as originally drawn and proportioned and cannot be modified. Do not obscure any part of the logo and/or visual elements by placing type, photographs or other elements on top of it.
The McComb School District’s logos/trademark communicate our commitment to strive for excellence in everything we do, and, most of all, our passion to educate students to be lifelong learners and respectful, responsible citizens. The logos should be used for all official McComb School District events, documentation, publications, etc. Since the logos are valuable legal and intellectual assets, unauthorized usage is prohibited.
It is important to the district's identity and image to maintain consistent use of it's crest and athletics logo. A crest or logo are more than illustrations. Our crest and logos define and identify the District and our schools within the community. The District seeks to protect these images and their use for events, activities and materials that benefit the District and further its mission.To help others use our logo and mascots in a professional manner, we have created guidelines for use.
Permitted Uses The district permits the following uses of its trademark(s):
- To recognized and approved student and school groups in the District without prior approval.
- To community groups, which support the District’s curricular or extra-curricular activities such as PTA and booster clubs, with the prior written approval of the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
- To other groups, organizations, or commercial entities, partnering with the District on special events activities, with prior written approval from the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Products such as firearms, explosives, knives, and fuels.
- Obscene or Disparaging
- Sexually Suggestive Products such as slogans imprinted on clothing
- The logo may not be used in connection with any product or service that is likely to cause confusion among
users, or in any manner that disparages or discredits the District.
Proportion: The logos are designed according to specific height and width ratios. Even slight distortions will impact the consistency of the presentation. Always display the logos in their original proportions, regardless of the logo size, placement, or use. Keep a rectangular clear space around the logos.For example, no circles or boxes around the logos.
Trademark/Copyright: The McComb School District's crest and athletic logo are owned by the district. Any commercial or third-party uses of these logos must receive prior approval by the Community Engagement and Communications Office. The Community Engagement and Communications Office is responsible for administering the visual identity program and editorial style guidelines for all publications and printed materials. Any questions about the program should be directed to that office.
Specialty Items: A number of commercial goods and specialty items will be printed using the McComb School district crest and high school athletic mascots. Regardless of the funding source, all commercial use of the logo and athletic mascots must be approved by the Community Engagement and Communications Office, prior to manufacture or distribution.